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Those people drive me nuts! lol I don't know, i think it varys from person to person. For a few people i guess it could be some sort of phobia, or they might just be really sanitary and hate feet 'cause they've been on the ground and everywhere. Most people i think it just bothers them for some reason, think it's gross. idk

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15y ago

Touched, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia.

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Because, in some cultures - having your feet uncovered is the same as being naked in western culture.

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Name for foot phobia?

Podophobia is an irrational fear of feet. This fear can be of the person's own feet or feet of someone else's. The fear can have different side effects such as fear of stepping in shoe shops or even shops that sell socks. The fear can also be feet in general (Ex. looking at feet) or of looking and/or touching bare feet.

Is touching feet a sin?

No, touching feet is not a sin.

What is fear of feet?

Podophobia is the fear of feet!

What was made by god with no feet no hands or no soul?

Anything non-living - rocks etc.

What is the ballet position with heels on both feet touching?

The ballet position in which the heels on both feet are touching is called first position.

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Your guinea pig may be biting out of fear or discomfort when you touch his feet. Try to create positive associations by offering treats or pets when you touch his feet gently. Gradually desensitize him by touching his feet for short periods and rewarding calm behavior. If the biting persists, seek advice from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.

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They grow guns on their feet and shoot anything that,ll eat them or any rain that they don't want touching them. It's easy and logical too.

Fear of feet?


What are 5 positions of classical ballet?

1- feet tuned out with heels touching 2- feet turned out but the feet are about 8 inches apart (depending on length of legs) 3- feet tuned out with heel of one foot touching the arch of the other 4- feet turned out with one foot about 8 inches in front of the other 5- feet tuned out with heel of one foot touching the big toe of the other

What phobia its the fear of feet?


What is the phobia of having big feet?

There is no such phobia but podophobia is the fear of feet in general.

Why does the black-footed albatross have black feet?

dont you know anything? its because they have black feet! same with the blue-footed boobie! It too has a certain feet color I asked because i have an assignment to do! I wondered if they are specially adapted for their living or not!