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Q: What is the fear of aliens called?
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What is a fear of aliens called that is UFO aliens not people from different countries?

Xenophobia means fear of the strange, so it is about as close as you are likely to get to the term you are looking for, at least until *real* aliens are found. Then people with an irrational fear of them will probably be called (alien race name)ophobes. So far, there is no known and proven need for such a term. In real life, aliens are not known and proven to even exist.

What is a morbid fear of animals?

Xenophobia - fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens.

What confuses aliens?

Nothing confused aliens, they have stong brains and can sense fear and forced confusion.

What is the phobia called for fear of aliens?

Xenophobia is the fear of strangers, foreigners or aliens.---------------------------------------------------------------------Xeno = strangers, foreigners and aliens (more in the sense of people who are strangers, aliens... and probably not so much as "aliens" from ufo's... though for lack of better term, we still use the term xenophobia to indicate the fear of aliens)Baara = From the Hebrew - brutish, one of the wives of Shaharaim a BenjamiteBaara = From the Hebrew - brutish, an Israelitish womanchuter = is the French verb "To Fall"As you can see, the fake word "baaraparchuter" was fabricated by the last person(s) that updated this answer and therefore does NOT exist!!!NOR means "fear of extra-terrestrials, the dead" (Necrophobia is the fear of death and fear of the dead). Unfortunately, a lot of people out there took it as if it was a true since it's on a wiki and they didn't stop wonder if it was a real word or not.If you want to know if a word is real, just look at the word's etymology (root language of a word) and you'll find your answer.

What is spakafobia?

Spakafobia is the fear of Aliens, apparently lol

Astrophpobia is the fear of what?

Stars or celestial space. It may take the form of fear of aliens, being abducted by aliens, inability to tolerate the night sky and similar stimuli. It can be closely related to agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces.

Why are aliens called aliens not OJs?

Why would they be called OJ's

What are the names of the aliens in Unlimited Aliens and what do they do?

They are called Scardox Aliens.

Why are humans afraid of aliens?

Humans may fear aliens due to the unknown and unfamiliar nature of extraterrestrial beings. The fear of the unknown can trigger feelings of anxiety, especially when considering the advanced technology or capabilities that aliens are often depicted as having in popular culture. Additionally, the idea that aliens may pose a threat to humanity or disrupt our way of life can also contribute to this fear.

What is a group of aliens called?

A pack of aliens.

Were there aliens in the film Aliens?

No, the title is simply a clever misnomer...of course there are, it's called 'Aliens'.

What is the phobia called for being afraid of aliens?

Fear of aliens is xenophobia. It can apply to alien people - people whose nationality or culture or ethnicity or other attributes are different from your own - or to an actual alien species from outer space (whose existence remains hypothetical).