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Seems to me no one knows the answer to this question. Even the CDC doesn't go into detail on this question. I'm starting to smell "The Emperor wears no clothes effect." It would be easy to test. Simply give someone the rabies vaccine shots, then inject them with rabies. It will either work or not.... Every city should randomly do the testing themselves. It would be inexpensive and easy to do. I have a hunch there would be a significant failure rate. Don't believe me ask a pathologist. I did. I even asked many vets and doctors. Everyone of them told me there is no known amount of vaccine which creates immunity. In other words, the effectiveness is unproven and yet, it's hyped to us as a proven science.....

Take your shots!

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Modern vaccines are interchangeable. But this should not be done normally.

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What was louis pasteur remembered of?

Louis Pasteur is remembered for his work on the development of vaccines for rabies.

What vaccines or injections did Pasteur develop?

Pasteur created and tested vaccines for diphtheria, cholera, yellow fever, plague, rabies, anthrax, and tuberculosis.

Why is rabies a problem?

Rabies is a viral disease that is transmitted by the bite of an infected animal. Without treatment rabies is invariably fatal.

Do you always get rabies when bitten by a squirrel?

Not at all. You can only get rabies from a squirrel if it has rabies, itself.

Body disease begins with R?

Rabies, Renal failure (kidney failure)

Who developed the first rabies vaccines?

The rabies vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur in 1885, derived from the nerve tissue of infected rabbits

Do they give rabies vaccines without a sign of rabies?

yes, if your dog has rabies there is nothing you can do you have to put them down asap , so they dont get to mean and start trying to bite you, they are anyware for 25 $ to 40 $

What has the author Hans C Matter written?

Hans C. Matter has written: 'Suggestions for the development of a research project for the field evaluation of several vaccine-bait delivery techniques to vaccinate dogs orally against rabies' -- subject(s): Veterinary vaccines, Dogs, Rabies vaccines, Diseases, Rabies in animals

Who invented vaccines for anthrax and rabies?

Louis Pastaur discovered the vaccine for anthrax and chicken cholera