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Q: What is the entry of a microorganism in tissues of a host that may result in clinical signs and symptoms of disease?
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The process of entrance and growth of a microorganism or virus in the host is called?

The process of entrance and growth of a microorganism or virus in the host is called infection. Infection occurs when the pathogen gains access to the host's tissues, replicates or multiplies within the host, and causes disease symptoms.

What causes symptoms of disease?

Symptoms of disease are caused by the body's response to an underlying infection, inflammation, or abnormal process. This response can include pain, fever, fatigue, and other signs that the body is trying to fight off the disease. Symptoms can also be the result of damage done by the disease to specific organs or tissues.

One way that bacteria can cause disease is by breaking down and damaging of the infected organism?

Bacteria can cause disease by releasing toxins that damage cells and tissues in the infected organism. These toxins can lead to inflammation, cell death, and disruption of normal bodily functions, ultimately resulting in disease symptoms.

How do parasites cause a disease?

Parasites cause disease by feeding on the host's tissues or cells, disrupting normal physiological functions, and triggering immune responses. They can also release toxins or waste products that can harm the host's tissues and organs, leading to symptoms of the disease. Additionally, parasites can transmit diseases through their bites or feces.

What has the author Edgar David Coolidge written?

Edgar David Coolidge has written: 'Periodontology, clinical pathology and treatment of the periodontal tissues' 'Periodontia; clinical pathology and treatment of the periodontal tissues'

Why are scientists interested in stem in stem cell research?

They hope to grow tissues to cure disease

How can you describe two ways that bacteria cause disease?

Bacteria can cause disease by producing toxins that damage host cells or interfere with normal cellular function. Additionally, bacteria can invade host tissues and disrupt normal physiological processes, leading to inflammation and tissue damage.

What is a tissue disease?

It is a disease involving certain tissues of the organism.

What disease if the antinuclear antibody test especially effective in diagnosing?

This test is particularly useful when diagnosing a person with symptoms of SLE, an illness that affects many body organs and tissues.

What is systemic manifestation?

Systemic manifestation refers to the presence of symptoms or effects of a disease or condition throughout the entire body, rather than being localized to a specific organ or area. It can involve a wide range of symptoms that impact multiple bodily systems and functions. Systemic manifestation often reflects the widespread impact of a disease on the body as a whole.

How does a disease affect the tissues in diffirent parts of an organism?

Depends on the disease.

What disease can result in destruction of tissues surrounding the tooth?

gum disease