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Q: What is the distance between the vertebral border of the scapula to the spinous process of the spine?
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In anatomic position the vertebral region is where to the scapula?

In anatomic position, the vertebral region is posterior (behind) to the scapula.

The vertebral column is what to the scapula?

It is inserted into the medial border of the scapula, between the superior angle and the triangular smooth surface at the apex of the spine. THE MUSCLES CONNECTING THE UPPER LIMB WITH THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN.

The lateral tip of the shoulder is the what Part of the scapula?

The medial border of the scapula is at the medial end of the spine of the scapula. This border is also called the vertebral border.

Which muscle is attached to the vertebral edge of the scapula?

Posterioly there are the Rhomboideus major and minor and levator scapula. While anteriorly is the upper three digitations of serratus anterior.

What is the name of the joint between the lateral end of the clavicle and acromion process of scapula?

The joint between the lateral end of the clavicle and the acromion process of the scapula is called the acromioclavicular joint (AC joint).

Bone that articulates dorsally with the acromion process?

The acromion process is on the scapula.

What is the term for the area where the superior and medial borders of the scapula meet?

The area where the superior and medial borders of the scapula meet is called the superior angle of the scapula. It is located at the top corner of the scapula, close to the base of the neck.

Would you Name all the landmarks of the scapula?

The landmarks of the scapula include the acromion process, coracoid process, spine of the scapula, suprascapular notch, glenoid cavity, and the inferior angle.

What back muscle originates on the vertebral spinous processes?

The rhomboid major originates on the spinous processes of the second to fifth thoracic border and inserts on the medial border of the scapula. It retracts the scapula.

What muscle attaches to the vertebral border of the scapula?

Muscles that attach to the scapula are:The Pectoralis minor.The coracobrachialis.The short head of biceps brachii.

Where does the clavicle articulate with the scapula?

The clavicle articulates with the scapula at the acromion process, forming the acromioclavicular joint.

What is the origin of biceps brachii?

The bicep brachii originates on the scapula. As the "bi" prefix of it's name suggests, it has two heads. One originates from the coracoid process of the scapula, and the other from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula.