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Q: What is the difference in lymes disease and rocky mountain spotted fever?
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What are the virulence factors of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

How does the rocky mountain spotted fever organism result in disease & what are the virulence factors?

What is a nickname for the disease rocky mountain spotted fever?

lyme disease

Is rocky mountain spotted fever a parasitic disease?


Which arachnida carries lymes disease and rocky mountain spotted fever?


Short term of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

It is appropriate to shorten Rocky Mountain spotted fever to simply RMSF. It is a term used by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

What is one tick or mite disease that affects humans?

Lyme disease Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever HGE anaplasmosis

Is the rocky mountain spotted fever caused by virus or bacteria?

actually the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by a rickettsia, which is a type of bacteria

Definition of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is a tickborne disease cause by a bacteria, Rickettsia Rickettsii. It enters the bloodstream through a break in the skin allowing the parasites saliva, crushed tissue, or fluids from it's feces to infect the body.

How many people died from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

30% of people who get rocky mountain spotted fever die

How do you get Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a tick bourne illness. It travels through tick bites and is actually one of the more severe tick bourne diseases.It can also be spread from people in large crowds or people who aren't clean.

Who discovered the Rocky Mountain Spotted fever?

Get oawf.

Can you die from Rocky Mountain spotted fever?
