

Best Answer
  • Arteries carry purified blood from the heart to different parts of the body. Veins carry unpurified blood to the heart from different parts of the body.
  • Arteries have thicker walls compared to the the veins.Arteries have more muscles. Only veins have valves. Arteries have a smaller lume.
  • An artery carries blood away from the heart, while veins transport blood to the heart.
  • The difference is that an artery brings blood to the body and a vein takes blood to the lungs.
  • Arteries and Veins are part of the circulatory system, where arteries carry the blood from the heart to the organs, and the veins carry it from the organs to the heart again.
  • Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the other parts of the body. Arteries also have thicker walls as the blood pressure is much higher having a closer proximity to the heart. Veins carry the blood back from the other areas of the body to the heart. Simply put, an artery carries blood out of the heart, and a vein carries blood into the heart. Arteries are under more pressure than veins. Arteries contract to help push blood through whereas blood flow through veins is passive.

Veins- oxygen-poor blood that is returning to the heart

Arteries- oxygen-rich blood that is going to the cells

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Veins are blood vessels carrying blood towards the heart, whereas arteries bring blood away from heart.

Mostly, arteries contain oxygenated blood, and veins contain carbon dioxide-rich and oxygen-poor blood; however, there is one exception. The artery leading to the lungs from the heart does not contain any oxygen, and the vein leading from the lungs to the heart does. This is so the oxygen from the lungs is brought to the heart in order for it to work. Everywhere else, the oxygenated vessels (arteries) carry blood to the rest of the body.

Histologically, veins have a large, floppy irregular lumen and a thinner wall. They also contain valves to prevent backflow when blood is being taken back up to the heart. Arteries usually have a round lumen and thick walls, but no valves.

Arteries generally have higher pressure and veins have lower pressure.

The blood in the veins is visibly less red than blood in your arteries, because the hemoglobin has been removed.

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the difference is that arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry it towards the heart.

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i think you mean difference so: Veins- oxygen-poor blood that is returning to the heart Arteries- oxygen-rich blood that is going to the cells

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