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Q: What is the difference between the knee and knee joints?
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What is the difference between the joints at shoulders and knees?

yes the knee joint is stronger

What is the medical term meaning cushion between your knee joints?

The medical term for the cushion between your knee joints is "meniscus." The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of cartilage that helps cushion and stabilize the knee joint during movement.

What is another name of knee joints?

Another Name For Knee Joints Is Called Knee Bones lls

What is the most important difference between fault and joints?

joints have no displacement.

What are examples of the 3 types of joints?

There are three types of joints in your body. You have fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial types of joints in your body. You have fibrous type of joint between, say the bones on the top of skull, between the teeth and teeth bearing bones and lower end of tibia and fibula bones. You have cartilaginous type of joints between epiphysis and diaphysis of the long bones. You have the same type of joint between the vertebrae and at pubic symphysis. You have synovial type of joints at shoulder and hip joints. Also at elbow and knee joints. All movable joints fall under this category.

Are the knee and elbow multiaxial joints?

The knee is the elbow is not

Where is ligament?

A ligament is located in many joints of the body, including the knee and shoulder . Ligaments are the tough, fibrous tissue between joints to reduce friction.

What are the names of the three joints in your body?

The three main types of joints in the body are: ball-and-socket joints (hip and shoulder), hinge joints (knee and elbow), and pivot joints (neck).

How are the knee and wrist joints similar-?

The knee is both a hinge and pivot joint. The wrist is a condyloid joint. Although they are both joints in our body, the knee and wrist are different types of joints.

Which has greater mobility hip joints shoulder joints elbow joints knee joints or wrist joints?

Shoulder joints have the greatest mobility among the options listed. They have a wider range of motion compared to hip, elbow, knee, and wrist joints, allowing for movements in multiple directions such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation.

What is the name for your joints at your knees and elbows?

the elbow and knee are hinge joints

What joints does the hamstring cross?

The hamstring crosses the hip and knee joints