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Seizure is a clinical event in which there is disturbance of the normal neurological function of the brain , this disturbance is caused as a result of abnormal or excessive neuronal discharge.

Seizure can therefore be divided into :

1-"NON EPILEPTIC SEIZURES" e.g ; febrile seizure in which this abnormal firing is triggered by fever.

2-"EPILEPTIC SEIZURES" ; recurrent seizures over time , in the absence of an acute cerebral insult , such as fever or acute brain injury.

Epilepsy is the underlying tendency of the brain to produce bursts of electrical impulses that disrupts other brain function , therefore a person with a single seizure doesn't mean he has epilepsy .

Epilepsy is caused by a genetic or chronic condition in the brain such as neurodegenerative disorder or a cerebral tumour,

a person with epilepsy has lower threshold for developing seizure , thus :

"Epilepsy is recurrent seizures due to a chronic condition rather than an acute cerebral insult"

"Convulsions are the abnormal involuntary contractions of muscles , that occur due to the rapid brain firing that occurs in seizures , whether they are epileptic or not"

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

A seizure is a medical condition that results from abnormalities in the body. The term convulsion refers to sudden, jerky movement.

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The types of seizures often change. In most cases, the drop seizures subside. They are replaced by partial, complex partial, and secondarily generalized convulsions.

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No. Seizures can be 'grand mal' which involve the tonic-clonic muscle movement you describe as convulsions. 'Petit mal' seizures can be absence seizures, most often seen in children, where the patient seems catatonic for a brief period. Partial seizures can involve only one small body area, and some seizures consist of just a recurrent tic which can evolve into a larger seizure. Even a hiccup is believed to be a type of mild seizure.

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Epilepsy is the name of the illness. Someone who has epilepsy gets seizures. Epilepsy is the tendency to get seizures. Someone who gets regular seizures can be diagnosed as having Epilepsy.

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Epilepsy - a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures (convulsions) over time.