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Alcohol abuse - the definition of alcohol abuse is binge drinking - the consumption of 3 or more Alcoholic Beverages within 24 hours.

Alcohol dependence - alcohol dependence can be physical or emotional.

* Emotional dependence is hard to define - typically, it is the desire to drink alcohol in the absence of a physiological drive (physical dependence) to do so. * Physical dependence is the physical desire or need to continue drinking alcoholic beverages to prevent withdrawal. Typically, this definition includes lack of regard for self preservation and societal norms.

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6y ago

The difference between these two situatiins is that with alcohol abuse, one knowingly over indulges in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, thinking that it is 'fun'. Also it can be defined as consuming alcoholic beverages inappropriately. Alcoholism is a disease. It is when an individual through the excessive consumption of alcohol and the dependancy on such to 'be normal or okay to face the day. The renowned self-help group 'AA', which stands for Alcoholics Anonymous, helps those who wish to break the bonds of dependency on alcohol and return to normal life. This is known as the Twelve Step Tradition. Family and frienfs of membersbif AA van join their iwn support group known as Alanon.

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12y ago

There actually isn't any difference between the two. All addictions are the same, the only thing that differs its what the person is addiction to. The withdrawal between the two are different though.

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The only effective and appropriate way to stop alcohol, drug or drug addiction is comprehensive treatment