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The main difference between them is that people with depression experience only depression, whereas people afflicted by Bipolar disorder experience both depression and hypomania or mania. When someone is depressed they often link everything to being their fault and often feel like suicide.

Whereas, my friend who has bipolar is different in the sense that when you have bipolar, you experience happy and sad emotions, that contrast each other greatly. I see my friend having a laugh and enjoying herself. Then totally depressed another time.

Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings-from overly "high" and/or irritable (Mania) to sad and hopeless (Depression), and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression. People with bipolar disorder can have episodes of mild to severe mania in addition to severe depressive episodes. (Mild mania is called hypomania. )

There are 2 main types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 includes severe depressive and manic episodes and in some cases visual or auditory hallucinations. Bipolar 2 includes hypomania alternating with depression.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Manic Depression Bi-PolarThere is no difference between bipolar disorder and manic depression. Bipolar is the modern term for manic depression. The term "manic depression" is much misunderstood. Some people think "manic" means "really depressed." Mania is the 'opposite' of depression. A manic depressive is someone who cycles between being manic and depressed. The term "bipolar" supposedly makes this more clear.

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13y ago

Bipolar is a type of depression. People who suffer from bipolar experience a manic phase and a depression phase.

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Also, depression is just when you feel depressed and bipolar (meaning, two polars) mean that you experience lots of mood swings and have a high and a low. Also there are different phases of Biploar and Depression too, depending on your symptoms and how you act.

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14y ago

Bipolar disorder is made up mood swings meaning your on the top of the world one moment and the next your really sad. depression is just the sad part. Other things like ADHD usually tag along with bipolar disorder and is in most cases more severe then depression.

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14y ago

The difference between depression and bipolar disorder is that when dealing with depression you do not have manic periods. When dealing with bipolar disorder your mood alternates between depression and mania.

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14y ago

depression is basically feeling sad, full of angst,etc. whereas bipolar disorder, aka manic depression is mood swings... bipolar disorder has both manic, stages in which people are happy, and then randomly shifted to depression.

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12y ago

Depression involves only a depressed state, while Bipolar Disorder involves more. Often, people suffering from Bipolar Disorder experience a manic phase, which is essentially the opposite of depression. While depressed people may be sad, lethargic, lonely, and uninterested in most things, people experiencing a manic phase often are elated, feel at the top of the world, and have tons of energy. There are many other differences. Essentially, depressed people are constantly in a depressed state, but bipolar people alternate between different states. There are variations of the states- the main factor is the pattern of experiencing highs and lows outside of the normal human range. The cycles have to last a substantial amount of time; a person is not bipolar if they go from a good mood to a bad mood within a day. Also, as I said before, the change in mood has to be outside of the usual range of emotions. It almost always effects the individuals professional and personal lives.

Additionally, people with Bipolar Disorder are perhaps more at risk for getting in trouble with the law, as the manic phase can often induce impulsivity.

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While these are medical terms, spiritually, the difference is that when you are in depression, you have no enthusiasm, you have lost the energy, the spirit to bounce back. But when you are bipolar, you still have some power, some energy that makes you swing back momentarily only to fall back into that state of depression. Therefore, in a way, one who is bipolar has a better chance of coming out of depression. But if a person who is bipolar doesn't get out of it soon, chances are that the person will drop into a state of depression and lose all the power, the energy, the enthusiasm. What causes both - depression and a bipolar disorder? They are both caused by the monkey mind, the mind that causes anxiety, fear, worry, hate, negative thoughts. We have to flip over from negative to positive by realizing that the mind is an illusion. It's a rascal. We have to use our inner spirit, our intellect to destroy the mind that is causing depression.

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13y ago
  • bipolar has euphoric highs as well as depressed lows
  • major depression has only depressed lows
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13y ago

They're both the same thing.

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