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Q: What is the difference between delusion and self-deception?
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What is the difference between illusion and delusion?

An illusion is a false mental image produced by misinterpretation of things that actually exist: 'A mirage is an illusion produced by reflection of light against the sky'.... A delusion is a persistent false belief: A' paranoiac has delusions of persecution'.

Symptoms of Paranoid Schophrenia?

Paranoid schizophrenia is when there is a presence of a delusion, a false belief, and possibly a hallucination that fuels that delusion. Types of delusion include delusional jealousy, erotomanic delusion, persecutory delusion, grandiose, and somatic delusion.

What is the study of delusion called?

delusionicsEtymologyFrom delusion + -ics.Noundelusionics (uncountable) 1. The study of delusion.

What is the noun form of delude?


What is the difference between content of delusion and theme of it?

If a delusion were a play, the content would be the actual screenplay of that "scene" within the delusion. I.e. Delusions of paranoia sometimes revolve around the government's attempt (as perceived by the one experiencing the delusion) to "gain control" of that individual. That would be the screenplay for that specific "scene" or delusion of the day. However, after experiencing numerous paranoid delusions, the "government", as it were - may not always be the culprit attempting to obtain "control" of the one experiencing the delusion. Sometimes, they incorporate their spouse, loved ones, family, etc.... as coconspirators. Although the scene changes, the THEME of the delusion(s) remains the same - paranoia. this can occur espesially in those in which the loved one - while experiencing concern for the patient - may attempt to convince them to accept treatment. In the paranoid person's mind, this is yet another attempt at gaining control over him or her and is "evidence" of the collusion between that person and the initial target of their paranoia. Theme - overall sense of the delusion: Paranoid, Grandiose, Erotic, etc... Content - the actual experince of the delusional "scene" at any one time. Think movies! BSalai - LCSW

Is religion self delusion?

It is certainly a delusion; but the propensity of some religious followers to try and extend that delusion shows that it applies to more than just the self. Also MASS delusion.

Who wrote the god delusion?

Dawkins, Richard wrote The God Delusion.

What is the verb form of delusion?

The base word of delusion is delude.

What is the ISBN of The Oh My God Delusion?

The ISBN of The Oh My God Delusion is 9781844881758.

When was The God Delusion created?

The God Delusion was created on 2006-10-02.

What is the difference between a delusion and cognitive distortion?

A delusion is a fixed, false belief that is maintained despite evidence to the contrary, often associated with psychotic disorders. Cognitive distortions are irrational or biased ways of thinking that can lead to negative emotions and behaviors, commonly seen in mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. Delusions are more extreme and disconnected from reality compared to cognitive distortions.

What kind of delusion is it when the schizophrenic believes that he is under control of outside forces?

This is a "delusion of control".