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The blues are a natural feeling that occurs when someone encounters a situation that makes them feel sad. Clinical depression consists of excessive loss in interest of things you love or love to do, feelings of dread and worthlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia and the main difference is that the blues will eventually subside getting easier every day, where as depression won't. Depression lingers with you day in and day out effecting your work, home and school life. some people report to be unrecognizable before diagnosed and treated for depression. Contacting a pyschotherapist and working with them to start you on a medication, exercise and nutritionally rich diet can drastically alleviate the symptoms.

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16y ago

There is huge difference. When you have the blues it just goes away in a couple of days. When you have clinical or major it does not go away unless it is treated. It also severe physical symptoms that can go on with the body like severe digestive problems like severe constipation,insomnia,severe mood swings,hopelessness,suicidal thoughts ect.You can actually die from the disease because that is how serious it is. You can either treat it through natural means like st.john wort,5htp,lithium orotate, or sam-e,which is very effective natural antidepresant. Most people go on ssri or snri,which stand for seritonin reuptake inhibitor or seritonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.Some of the drugs available are zoloft,paxil,lexapro,which are all ssri drugs. The only bad thing about the antidepresant drugs are that they have a lot of side effects. They have more side effects than any other drugs on the market that I know of. I know a lot about this disease because I have been studying this disease. -Jeremy Belcastro

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Mostly what they are still about. Try listening to some. Also learn the difference between where and were.

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Its also known as baby blues.

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despair, misery, sadness, the blues, melancholy, unhappiness, despondency

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Postpartum depression is sometimes called the baby blues. Typical postpartum depression symptoms include fatigue, insomnia, irritability and mood swings.

Is blues singular or plural?

The noun 'blues' is the plural form of the singular noun 'blue', a word for a color.The noun 'blues' is an uncountablenoun as an informal word for feelings of sadness, or depression; and a style of music.