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when you get a filling, they drill some of the tooth which has a cavity and fill it. When you get a root canal, they drill all the way down and take out the nerve of the tooth. Getting a root canal is more painful then a filling.

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A root canal clears away bacteria and damaged tissue to relieve pain and save the tooth. A filling restores the function and cosmetic appearance of the tooth; a root canal cleans and protects the soft tissue inside the tooth from further damage.

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Akbar Babwani

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1y ago

Filling is done when you have a small cavity which is away from the pulp which is the soft part inside the tooth. Once the cavity exceed and reaches to the pulp, it start to cause pain needing RCT. So its wise to protect the tooth while the cavity is small by getting it filled otherwise you'll need a root canal rpocedure done which is a little painful procedure.

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Q: What is the difference between a filling and a root canal?
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I have a root canal but want to take out the root canal?

Im not sure of the question but sounds like the doctor already removed the inerts of the tooth and placed a filling into the root. That is what a root canal therapy is. If you want to remove the root canal filling material and replace it with a more biocompatible material there are dentist that do that.

What is the difference between root pass filling pass and copping?

Root pass is the first pass or the root penetration, filling is between the first and the second pass while capping is the covering.

Your root canal filling fell out and it looked like a piece of drill in it?

More than likely what you see is something called a post. It was placed at the completion of the root canal to stabilize the filling.

What is the difference between normal tooth cavity filling and root canal treatment?

A filling is a way to restore or repair a tooth that has been damaged by decay or a fracture that has not reached the pulp chamber of the tooth. If the damage has reached the pulp chamber (the interior of the tooth where the nerve and blood supply are located) a root canal procedure needs to be done.In a simple filling, the decayed part of the tooth is removed and the space is filled and carved to resemble the natural shape of the tooth. In a root canal procedure, the decay is removed along with the nerve and the blood supply. The space is filled with a rubber material called gutta percha. Following a root canal, the tooth frequently needs to be restored with a crown because the tooth will become brittle and at risk of fracturing.A root canal is more involved than a filling and generally will cost more and sometimes take more than one appointment to complete.

If you had a root canal done 11 months ago with only a temporary filling and you now have braces can you still have the root canal finished?

usually. The braces will not effect the root canal therapy, which should be completed ASAP. Temporary fillings are just that - temporary. They can break down and begin to leak after a certain amount of time. The tooth likely will need a crown after the root canal is completed, in which case the braces may impede the process. At the very least, request a permanent material/filling is placed at the time of root canal completion.

What is the Ada code for a root canal?

D3310 Root canal, anterior (excluding final restoration) D3320 Root canal, bicuspid (excluding final restoration) D3330 Root canal, molar (excluding final restoration) These include the root canal and temporary filling. You may also need: D2950 Core buildup, including any pins You also need to add the permanent crowns.

What is the difference between a dental post and dental build up?

A dental post is necessary when a root canal procedure has been done on a tooth that requires a crown. A build up is done on a tooth that needs a crown and has not had a root canal.

Is composite core build up of root canal treatment contraindicated immediately?

Yes, a buildup is contraindicted immediately after a Root Canal Treatment. Primarily you want to make sure that root canal treatment is asymptomatic before placing any permanent restorations on the tooth. If the dentist or endodontist needs to re-enter the tooth bec. the root canal continues to give problems (pain, formation of abscess) it would be easier to remove the temporary filling. Should leave the temp. filling for 2 weeks and then if asymptomatic then do composite Buildup.

What OBT means in Endodontics?

obterrate--when you fill the canal of the root up with filling material

Extraction of erupted tooth or exposed root . Extraction surgical root. What is the difference between these two phrases?

what is the difference between a surgical tooth and a erupted toothExtraction of erupted tooth refers to the dentist physically pulling out the tooth due to whatever trauma it has undergone. Extraction of the root is going into the tooth and drilling out the roots, like a root canal.

What are your options if you have a hole where a filling came out and you don't want a root canal as injections make you pass out?

You are going to have to have an injection whether you have the tooth pulled or root canal therapy. You really need to talk to your dentist to decide what is the best situation for your tooth. If it is just a case of a filling falling out though you shouldn't need root canal therapy but you might still need an injection for the repair of the tooth if the dentist needs to do any work to fill the cavity.

What is the result of poor filling of rootcanal treatment?

Poor filling on a root canal can allow food,sugars,bacteria,...ect, to decay the tooth.Although the root is gone you still have to protect the tooth structure, even though its under a crown. Or should be under a crown.