There really is no difference between Autism and Asperger Syndrome, thus why the two diagnosis have now been merged - many doctors simply diagnosed Asperger Syndrome to avoid stigma of Autism. The only real difference was that Autistic children showed developmental delays, however that in itself does not mean that Asperger Syndrome was a seperate disorder just that different children develop at different rates.
It may be confused with other diseases, such as fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and untreated phenylketonuria
Asperger is different from autism because people with Aspergers are less restricted with behavioral interactions than those with autism. Asperger's is a form of autism, but it is high-functioning and Aspergers is not as severe as actual autism is (Take it from me: I have aspergers and my younger brother has autism)
Asperger's Syndrome is a subtype of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), therefore they are not separate conditions. In the DSM-5, Asperger's Syndrome is no longer a diagnosis, it has been folded into the broader category of ASD.
no Added: Fragile X is like autism in that the condition can be a spectrum disorder, no or mild symptoms to severe symptoms. Fragile X is Genetic, the genetics of Autism are still being determined. Fragile X can be diagnosed any where by any doctor by a simple blood test, Autism is a subjective diagnosis based on evaluations and observations.
A:Anyone can have epilepsy, so yes people with Asperger's syndrome could have it as easily as anyone. A:There is a link between seizures and autism spectrum disorders; one in four children with autism or Asperger's Syndrome will experience seizures.
Fragile X, like autism, is a spectrum disorder, which could result in anything from mild learning disabilities to severe impairment. Individuals can live independently, with or without supports. I recommend the documentary "Living with Fragile X" if you have the opportunity to see it.
There is no such thing. Down syndrome and autism are separate conditions.
Asperger's syndrome
Aspergers Syndrome can be called: Aspergers, High-Functioning Autism, or you could just call it Autism, because it's a type of Autism.
Yes, you can have Asperger Syndrome when you're an adult.Asperger Syndrome is no longer a diagnosis, it has been merged with Autism - the two are the same, the only difference was that Asperger Syndrome was given to those who were Autistic but without developmental delays in childhood, not enough to be a separate diagnosis. You are born Autistic and you continue to be Autistic throughout your entire life, Autism is a difference in your brain and your brain doesn't change to that of a neurotypical person once you enter adulthood.
Aspergers is a type or form of nonverbal learning disability where someone has trouble communicating and learning because of their verbal skills and difficulties with verbal forms of communication.