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=it is a cleft pallet.=

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Q: What is the deformity of the mouth?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of deformity?

A deformity is a disfigurement.

What is the plural for deformity?

The plural of deformity is deformities

What is the prefix of the word deformity?

The prefix of the word "deformity" is "de-".

Why is bilateral cleft lip particularly problematic?

Discontinuity of the muscle fibers of the orbicularis oris (primary muscle of the lip.) This deformity can result in closure of the mouth and pursing of the lip.

What disability did Bree walker have?

she had a deformity of the hands and feet or deformity of bones and limbs

Can a deformed fish breed?

That would depend upon the species of fish and the level and type of deformity. If the deformity is genetic then the fish should not be bred. If the deformity is caused by environmental factors, then it could be bred, provided its deformity allows it to do so.

What is a deformity?


What word means stunted as a result to deformity?

looking for a word that means stunted as a result of deformity

Can a Mutation can be called a Deformity?

A mutation can be called a deformity, because a mutation is passed on, it is like a gene being passed down the pedigree, and in the pedigree there can be a deformity that will be passed on to the next generation. :.

How do you use deformity in a sentence?

The man had a severe deformity, making all of his peers gasp at his ugly figure.

What is a chronic small superior endplate deformity in t11 vertebral body?

Chronic superior endplate deformity

What is windswept deformity?
