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The transversus abdominis is the deepest.

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Q: What is the deepest muscle of abdominal wall?
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Deepest muscle of the abdominal wall?

transversus abdominis

What is the Deepest muscle of the chest?

The diaphragm is the deepest muscle of the chest. It is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and plays a crucial role in breathing by helping to expand and contract the lungs.

Why does the abdominal cavity have a soft muscle wall surrounding it?

The soft muscle wall surrounding the abdominal cavity acts like cushioning, protecting the internal organs from a blow

Which muscle would be most helpful for forceful expiration?

abdominal muscles

What vein drains the muscle tissue of abdominal wall?

superior mesenteric

Which abdominal muscle stretches from ribs and sternum to pubic bones?

The rectus abdominus muscle, which is the muscle that becomes a six-pack if you train it, is the muscle at the front of the abdominal wall and stretches across the specified region.

What is transversus in frog?

In frogs, the transversus abdominis muscle is a thin, flat muscle located in the abdominal region. It runs horizontally across the abdomen and helps with trunk flexion and compression of the abdominal viscera. It is part of the muscle group responsible for supporting and stabilizing the frog's body during movement.

Is the diaphragm a wall of muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and aids us to breathe?

Yes, the diaphragm is a wall of muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and aids us to breathe. It belongs in the Muscular and the Respiratory systems.

What is the name of the fleshy muscle forming part of the posterior abdominal wall?

quadratus lumborum

What abdominal wall muscle pulls thoracic cage toward pelvis?

Rectus abdominus

What forms the third layer of the abdominal wall muscles?

Transversus Abdominis muscle. It's located deep to the External Abdominal Oblique and Internal Abdominal Oblique muscles.

What is an abdominal inguinal ring?

An abdominal ring is either of the two openings in the abdominal muscle wall allowing the inguinal canal to pass through.