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VII the cranial nerve or the Facial

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Q: What is the cranial nerve that is involved in tasting well seasoned food?
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What cranial nerve is involved in Bell's palsy?

The Facial Nerve or Cranial Nerve VII is the nerve involved with Bell's Palsy.

Which one of the following cranial nerves is NOT involved in either taste?

The optic nerve (cranial nerve II) is not involved in taste, as its primary function is vision. Taste is primarily mediated by the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX), and vagus nerve (cranial nerve X).

What cranial nerve is involved in hyper extending and flexing the neck?

The spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) is involved in hyperextending and flexing the neck. This nerve innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, which are involved in these movements.

What is the cranial nerve that is involved in helping feel a toothache?

Trigeminal (5th) cranial nerve

What are the cranial nerves involved in the corneal reflex?

It is the 7th cranial nerve (facial nerve).

What nerves are involved in diplopia?

The cranial nerves involved in diplopia are the third (oculomotor), fourth (trochlear), and sixth (abducens) cranial nerves, which control eye movement and coordination. Issues with these nerves can result in misalignment of the eyes, leading to double vision.

Which cranial nerve is involved in cacial paralysis?

The Vagus nerve

What cranial nerve is involved if you are experiencing problems moving your tongue pressure?

Cranial nerve 9: glossopharyngeal

What cranial nerve is involved in toothache?

Trigeminal neuralgia is a rare disorder of the sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve (fifth cranial nerve), which innervate the face and jaw. The neuralgia is accompanied by severe, stabbing pains in the jaw or face.

What part of the nervous system is affected by the bell's palsy?

The Facial Nerve or Cranial Nerve VII is the nerve involved with Bell's Palsy.

What cranial nerves are involved in the ossicles of the ear?

Cranial nerve VIII - vestibulocochlear

What cranial nerve involved while raising eye lids and focusing the lens of the eye for accommodation?

The cranial nerve involved in raising the eyelids is the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III). For focusing the lens of the eye for accommodation, the oculomotor nerve controls the ciliary muscle.