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Q: What is the correct measurement of a urinary output?
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What is the Important of intake and output measurement?

Intake and output measurement is important in healthcare to monitor a patient's fluid balance. It helps healthcare providers assess hydration status, kidney function, and overall health. Monitoring intake and output can also detect early signs of fluid imbalances or underlying health issues.

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What is the normal range of urinary output in a twenty four hour period?

Normal output is approx 1.5litres

What is the hourly urinary output on a male with acute renal failure?

15 ml/hr

What are the effects if salt level increases in your body?

Excessive thirst and reduced urinary output.

What is normal urinary output for infants?

40 ml per hour

What is the purpose of catheterization?

there are many purposes of catheterization and these are: 1- to relieve acute or chronic urinary retention 2- to drain urine preoperative and postoperative 3- to determine thew amount of residual urine after voiding 4- to determine the accurate measurement or urinary drainage in critically ill patients 5- to monitor the input and output for electrolyte status of client hope you are content with my answer....

What would be the correct measurement for weighing a lorry?

Ofcourse the correct measurement I would have to say is mass,hope that helps you!!

What is the normal urinary output in milligrams per kg per day?

your output should be relatively close to what you intake. A normal person will have anywhere from 400cc's to 900cc's

What is the plural of output?

Both output and outputs is correct, although in American English the word output is used.