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Q: What is the common name for ischium?
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Is the ischium the name of the muscle which is the furthest from the midline of the body?

Furthest from the midline is "distal". The ischium is the bone closest to the seat of a chair while you are sitting.

How do you pronounce ischium?

Ischium is pronounced as IS-kee-uhm.

What structure is not found on the ischium?

The clavicle bone is not found on the ischium. The clavicle bone is located in the shoulder area and is not part of the pelvis where the ischium is located.

What bones of the pelvis do we sit on?

The bone that you sit on is also known as the sits bones. The scientific name is the ischium which is a large swelling posteriorly on the superior ramus of the ischium.

What is the function of the ischium bone?

The ischium is an irregular bone located in the pelvis.

What bones are fuse to form the coxal bone?

The coxal bone parts include the ilium, ischium and pubis

When you place your hands on your hips you are actually touching your ischium?

when you place your hands on your hips, you are actually touching your ischium

What is the sit down bone of the coxal bone?

The sit down bone is commonly referred to as the ischial tuberosity, which is located at the bottom of the coxal bone (hip bone). It serves as the attachment point for muscles of the hip and thigh, providing support when sitting.

What bone articulates with the acetabulum?

Ilium Ischium Pubis The hip bone, is formed by the fusion of the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis, which occurs by the end of the teenage years.

What are the three bones of the os coxa?

The three bones of the os coxa are the ilium, ischium, and pubis. These three bones fuse together to form the hip bone.

What bones make up the innominate bones?

The Illium, Ischium, and the Pubis. More commonly known as the Hip Bones