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low if you keep clean.

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Q: What is the chance of your ear getting infected when you change the stud the day after you get your ears pierced?
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What causes the belly button to change colors after being pierced?

It is infected!

What are the negatives about getting a nose ring?

Some negatives may include; it getting infected, the pain while in the process, or even changing the ring itself. Some people say getting their nose pierced is one of the worst pains. Getting my nose pierced hurt more than any of my other piercings. The first few weeks, you nose can get infected, and its not fun. If you change the nose ring too early it can infect it or make is sore so be careful when deciding to get your nose pierced. I hope this helped!

I have had my cartilidge pierced for 10 months and I still can't change my earring without getting infected why?

It is a good chance this is a piercing gun piercing and that is why you always have grief with it, it isn't pierced correctly and thus always reopens when you change the jewellery. I could go into detailed explanations but it come down to the cartilage tissue not being incised enough to allow for proper healing. Go see a professional body piercer and get it fixed.

How long should you wait to change your tragus piercing?

After getting my Tragus pierced I waited until 2 months to change mine as it was still hurting , but when they change the bar in the Tragus it can be quite painful so just putting it out there and don't change jewelry in the Tragus when it's infected it really hurts

After getting ears pierced when can we change them?

You need to wait for six weeks and then romove them

Does getting your top ears pierced mist likely get infected?

No. As long as you take care of them and go to a clean and reputable shop, you should be fine. No more of a risk than lobes. Be sure to wash your hair often and change your pillowcase.

What are the pros and cons on getting your belly button pierced?

pros: it looks cute n you get to change the ring to really cute and unique rings. cons: it usually signifies that you're easy [slutty] and also if you don't clean it properly it can get hideously infected.

How long do you have to have nipple rings in before you can change them?

You need to wait about 6 to 8 weeks after getting them pierced before you change them.

How long do you have to keep a nose piercing in before you can take it out?

Well, I've had my nose pierced for about 6 months. It didn't take long for my nose to heal. two weeks after I got it pierced I could take it out overnight. Then in about three or four weeks I could take it out for a couple of days at a time. Now if you just got it done and you want to know how long in till you can change it, i would wait in till it is healed all the way. The more times you change it be for it is heal the more chance of it getting infected. The best thing to do is to not change it unless it is necessary like if you did it your self. and you put a ear ring in it. Then the best thing to do is change the earring for a nose ring.

Should you put your original belly ring back in i put a dangle one in and now it is infected should i change it back to the one i was pierced with?

if it is infected and you think you should put the original ring back in go to your piercer to see what they think you should do.

Is there chance of getting infected of hiv if you use a condom already used by someone infected with HIV?

The only chance (not change) to get infection from an already infected person during intercourse is if the condom got a rip or tear. Normally condoms are made in a way which do not allow any contact between male and female body fluids (in the reproductive organ). But you do not want to compromise with the quality of a condom though.

The main change in the incidence of breast cancer is?

the chance of getting it is greater