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Vertebral foramen

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Q: What is the central opening on the vertebrae for passage of the spinal cord called?
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What is central opening of vessel called?

The central opening of a vessel is called the lumen. It is the hollow space within the vessel that allows for the passage of fluids, such as blood in blood vessels or sap in plant vessels.

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The typical type of vertebrae containing foramina in the transverse process are cervical vertebrae. These foramina are called transverse foramina, and they allow for the passage of the vertebral artery and vein in the cervical spine.

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The superior opening into the larynx is called the glottis. It is formed by the vocal folds and is responsible for regulating the passage of air into the respiratory system.

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The opening between mountains is called a mountain pass. It is a narrow gap or cut in the mountain range that allows for easier passage through the mountains.

What is a small opening to allow the passage of air?

A small opening to allow the passage of air is called a vent. Vents are commonly found in buildings to facilitate air circulation and maintain proper ventilation.

What is the meatus?

Any passage or opening leading to the interior of the body is known as a meatus. The external opening through which urine passes out of the body is called the urinary meatus.

What is the central opening within a tube or vessel?

lumen - the central opening within a tube or hollow organ.