Lupus anticoagulant does not, in itself cause tiredness but having lupus does. Lupus can cause anemia which in turn causes fatigue. Lupus can cause the body to make inflammatory cytokines which cause a feeling of flu like fatigue.
Yes. Lupus can cause autoimmune hepatitis.
The cause of Lupus is unknown so it is hard to say if Abilify could cause Lupus. Lupus could be caused by certain drugs so the best bet would to stay away from drugs.
Yes, lupus can cause pain and hot flashing.
Doe smoking cause lupus flare ups
In adults, parvovirus can cause a prolonged and painful arthritis. There's no evidence, though, that it causes lupus.
The cause of lupus is not fully understood. The develpment of lupus contains a genetice component, gene expression, and environmental triggers.