The anus is merely a sphincter, it cannot digest or absorb anything. It is possible to introduce substances through the anus into the large intestine, which does have the capacity to absorb water or substances dissolved in water; it does not have the capacity to digest anything, however. Digestion takes place in the stomach and the small intestines, not in the large intestines.
it can cause the small intestines to stretch but i dont know about the large intestines
The large intestine
The intestines are a tissue from your body.
your stomach and small intestines break food down and anything that gets to your large intestines exits your body through the anus
From the stomach, the food moves into the small intestines. After the small intestines the food moves into the large intestines.
2 intestines the small intestine the large intestine
Stomach -> Small Intestines -> Large Intestines -> Through Anus and out of the body
The mesentery that surrounds the large intestines is called the mesocolon. It provides support and attaches the large intestines to the posterior abdominal wall.
the intestines are in the digestive system.
The physical changes for large intestines is that it grows larger in length and in size.