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Q: What is the body temperature of potatoes?
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Can you eat sweet potatoes while dieting?

yes sweet potatoes are slow for the body to digest

What is deep fried potatoes?

Deep fried potatoes usually refer to completely submerging potatoes within high temperature oil in order to cook or 'fry' them.

How long and what temperature do you cook scalloped potatoes?

35ocelcius for 1 min

What causes potatoes to rot in the middle in the ground?

High temperature and humidity

Do potatoes help build muscles?

Yes, potatoes provide your body with the carbs it needs to fuel your muscles.

Can boiled potatoes left out at room temperature for three weeks develop harmful mold?

Boiled potatoes could develop harmful mold even in a refrigerator, in a period of 3 weeks. That is a very long time to store boiled potatoes (unless frozen, which is safer). Three weeks at room temperature is far too long for boiled potatoes (although raw potatoes can last that long).

How homeostasis of body temperature is achieved in your body?

Homeostasis of body temperature is achieved through a process called thermoregulation, where the body maintains a stable internal temperature. This is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain, which receives input from temperature receptors in the skin and internal organs. When the body temperature deviates from the set point, mechanisms like sweating, shivering, and vasodilation/constriction of blood vessels are activated to bring the temperature back to a normal range.

What is the Cook time and temperature for baked potatoes?

350 degrees for 1 hour

What body temperature does an ant have?

The ant's body temperature is according to place's temperature.

Another name for normal body temperature?

Another name for normal body temperature is core body temperature.

How does the outside temperature affect the body temperature?

The outside temperature affects the body temperature because it the body temperature will try to regulate itself. For example, if the temperature outside is cold, the body will generate heat as much as possible to maintain a core temperature.

What are the two types of body temperature?

The two types of body temperature are core body temperature, which is the temperature of the internal organs, and surface body temperature, which is the temperature of the skin and extremities. Core body temperature is typically more stable and tightly regulated than surface body temperature.