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Your question can be read a few different ways.

If you are asking what happens to the bicep or tricep when they are extended as opposed to being contracted, then the muscle would be said to be relaxing.

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11y ago

Skeletal Muscles like the Bicep can only PULL, but they cannot PUSH.

After the bicep is done raising the forearm, it relaxes and waits for the antagonist muscle on the other side of the joint to extend the arm again so it can once more pull it closed.

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Q: What is the biceps does when the elbow extends?
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None. Muscles only contracts. In order to extend, the muscle on the opposite movement has to contract. For example, the biceps help flex the elbow, but it does not extend the elbow; the triceps does that.

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The forearm is flexed at the elbow when the blank muscle contracts?

Biceps Biceps