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A normal blood sugar level is anything less than 100 mg/dL when fasting or 140 mg/dL when taken two hours after eating. These numbers are set and do not vary, so any reputable source should be able to provide a reliable guide.

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10y ago

You can find information about normal blood sugar levels online at the Wikipedia. Once on the page, type 'bloodsugar' into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

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The best way to know what is a normal range for your blood sugar is to ask your doctor to give you a thorough examination and bloodwork to check for your levels.

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11y ago

One can find information on what a normal blood sugar level is on several different websites. These include: Healthy, NIA, NHS, Web MD, The Mayo Clinic, and Better Health.

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12y ago

High and Low Carb Foods, and those Foods that lower sugar blood level. You will get to know what your ideal Diabetes diet recipe can be if that is the one you want.

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11y ago

Your best area of tutorial information would be the diabetes website. Your family doctor will also have that information as well. Your normal glucose level will depend on your age and weight.

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10y ago

You can get your blood glucose level checked at your local clinic, or even set up an appointment with your primary doctor's office to have them get you scheduled in to get it checked.

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Diabetes is very common and can affect just about anyone and of any age. The best thing for you to do would be to visit a doctor to find out about your own normal blood glucose levels and to see if you are at risk for developing type two diabetes. Your doctor is probably going to want to do a glucose tolerance test to see what your sugar and insulin levels are like and this is going to be what determines if you have type two diabetes and will need treatment for it.

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Where can someone purchase a Freestyle glucose meter online?

One can purchase a Freestyle glucose meter online on many various websites. The best place to purchase this meter is on the Freestyle Glucose Meter website.

How can I effectively check my blood glucose levels?

I would suggest checking with your physician or pharmacist. Based upon your medical history, one of these individuals will be able to tell you which method of glucose monitoring is best for you.

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At home you should not eat glucose laden foods. Junk food such as chocolates, candies, and chips contain high levels of sugar. As well you should consider getting a glucose level checker to monitor your blood sugar level.

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Normal Glucose Levels?

Glucose in your body comes from carbohydrate foods. The glucose found in your body is the main source of energy that keeps you strong enough to carry out your daily activities. Glucose levels in your body should be moderate enough for you to be healthy. High blood sugar levels can cause a lot of complications to your body organs; the eyes, kidneys and blood vessels are directly affected by blood sugar levels. You can regularly carry out blood sugar level tests to ensure that your glucose level is normal. Fasting blood sugar (FBS) usually measures glucose level after fasting for about 7 to 9 hours. When going for diabetes testing, a doctor might ask you not to eat anything before the test. This ensures that your results are a true reflection of your sugar levels. The 2-hour postprandial blood sugar usually measures glucose levels in your body 2 hours after eating. There is also the Random or casual blood glucose test which measures glucose at any time, it is not dependent on when you lastly ate a meal. It is the most reliable and convenient method of testing glucose levels in your body. During pregnancy, it is advisable to regularly take an oral glucose tolerance test. It is a series of blood glucose measurements taken after drinking a sweet beverage. This method mostly works best for expectant women. Blood sugar level tests are very important whether one is diabetic or not. If you are living with diabetes, getting regular tests on your blood sugar level will help you monitor your levels thus be safe. The normal blood sugar level for people who are not diabetic is approximately 95mg/dl when fasting, 140mg/dl after eating and about 120mg/dl a few hours after eating. For people with diabetes, it is important to keep a blood sugar level chart. A chart will help you deal with your condition when slight symptoms occur. Diabetic people usually go through symptoms such as blurred vision, fatigue, extreme thirst and frequent urination. Different foods can be ranked on the basis of their blood sugar levels using the glycemic index. Whatever you consume has an effect on your blood sugar levels. To get a target glucose level you should eat 3 meals a day without skipping any meals.

How can I get my blood sugar levels normal?

The best way to get your blood sugar levels normal again is to watch your intake of carbohydrates. If you have high blood sugar levels, try to stick to foods that do not contain as many carbohydrates. If your blood sugars are low, try to up your intake of carbohydrates.