What does a bloodhound computer virus do? It causes your computer to automatically download virus-loaded sites onto your system (favorites) and opens infected and unwanted web pages without your consent as soon as you go online. Here is more input: * Best remedy: Norton Antivirus * They have many forms so therefore you cannot fully identify one. In my case it was bloodhound.w32 -- it freezes up the computer. * It wrecks your PC. * Read both of the F-Secure and Symantec links to the right BEFORE doing any cleaning of the virus. Only Norton labels unknown viruses "bloodhound" and therefore ever finds one. You may want to scan with this which could find the virus with another name, then re-scan with Norton to see if that same bloodhound thing is still there. This is the free Microsoft anti-virus line. This is a totally free service that will walk you through the virus removal steps: For support within the United States and Canada, call toll-free (866) PCSAFETY (727-2338).
If you recieve an email stating your computer has a virus. It IS a hoax.
step on it.
Kill it. Kill it now.
The best way to kill someone with is to raise the dead. I know a sorcerer that could do this for you. If zombies don"t work, then that sucks.
norton anti virus
Kill everyone....
coffee is the best way forward.
Burn them
you can not kill rocks there not alive