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go to a local cvs or Walgreen's

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Q: What is the best way to get rid if a bad cough and stuffy nose?
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Help is it normal to have been having a bad cough and a stuffy nose for the past 3 weeks sort of concerned what could be the problem?

It is not normal to have a bad cough and a stuffy nose for 3 weeks. It could be allergies or even bronchitis. You will need to visit a doctor to get a diagnosis.

Is ice cream bad for a stuffy nose?

No, actually it is helpful for it. A lot of times people will have stuffy noses, eat icecream, and feel a lot less stuffy.

How do you use the word symptoms in sentence?

the SYMPTOMS of a cold are coughing, sneezing, stuffy/runny nose, head aches, and more.

What illness does this sound like I have a sore throat stuffy nose headache fever 101point4 bad productive cough some sneezing I'm really fatigued and I lost my voice What is this?

That sounds like you are describing classic flu symptoms and you should treat youself as if you have the flu. could also be a REALLY bad cold. The only way to know for sure is to see your doctor or hospital for a test.

How do you get rid of a bad cough?

i have had a bad cough for the past week now and idon't no how to get rid of it. it keeps me up most of the night and i have a runny nose aswell. i have had some soothers but that dosent seem to be working if you no how to get rid of a bad cough please tell me thank you x okay to get rid of a cough try to eat some salt with your orange juice or something else as long as it was salt in it

What term is also know as acute nasopharyngitis?

A good explanation to those who aren't in the medical profession is "a really bad sore throat and stuffy nose"

Is it bad to swallow mucus when you are sick?

No, in essence it is not. But it is better if you get if out if you can. Because it's going to stay in there until you blow it out your nose, or cough it up.

What kind of cough syrup can you give your kid?

Most packets say "consult a doctor for peoples under 6yrs old"

What are the effects of the measles?

Measles can cause symptoms such as high fever, rash, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. In severe cases, it can lead to complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and even death. Measles can also weaken the immune system, leaving individuals vulnerable to other infections.

What does it mean if you cough bad half of the day?

If you have a bad cough for half of the day, you may have bronchitis.

What is good for a bad cough?

For a bad cough, you can try home remedies like honey and lemon, warm teas with honey, or using a humidifier to ease congestion. Over-the-counter remedies like cough syrups or lozenges can also help reduce coughing. If the cough persists or worsens, it's best to consult with a doctor.

should yo stay home from school Very bad cough like every so often very common your nose is running and your throat hurts when you cough and you have a headache and altogether you just feel horrible?

Only if it's affecting your grammar.