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Just like you would divorce anyone else you didn't like. It's best to see a lawyer and be sure you are protected. Your lawyer can handle things for you. I know it can get expensive, but it's the best way to go. Good luck Marcy Divorce them from as far away as possible. Good Luck. Pat W. Quickly---and safely! Have an alternative place to live, or maybe a couple of them, lined up before you file. Change your hair colour and length/style, wear different clothes, buy a new car. Consider even changing your name, if it is really that dangerous. Might have to let your boss know, or even change jobs, if you think stalking or violence will be a problem. Get a restraining order first and notify the police of all and any concerns you have. Contact a local shelter and friends you trust to make sure you have many safe places to go to in case you need to hide or move quickly. Never ever go back to the situation you were in or be with the person again...they do NOT change. Get counseling and support for yourself and kids if you have them. You don't want to end up in another relationship with another psycho, and you will need to examine your life and choices deeply to discover how you can do better for yourself.

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Q: What is the best way to divorce a sociopath?
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If you feel your child is in danger than I would say yes but if you feel he is a sociopath than maybe you might want to consider consulting your question towards a professional who could tell you the safest way of going about dealing with a sociopath.

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Just because she is "female" doesnt mean anything. A sociopath is a sociopath and the only way to "deal" with them is to stay as far away as possible.

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The best way to find a divorce attorney in Pennsylvania is to go to and select your city.

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Anything that doesn't go the way they want it.

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sociopaths are usually at their best behavior at work.

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The only way to know is to ask the person.

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Being diagnosed as a sociopath does not affect your heart in any way. Aerobic exercise will not affect your mental status in a negative way.

How could one find legal services for a divorce?

The best way to find legal services for your divorce is to look in your local directory for family law lawyers.

Where can one find a California Divorce Attorney?

There are many divorce attorneys in California, and many divorces. Word of mouth may be the best way to find a divorce attorney, but failing that visit the website called FindLaw.