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Q: What is the best thing to do in aborting 16 weeks pregnant Using some best medicine only?
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Difficulties getting pregnant?

It can be very difficult to get pregnant. A lot of us turn to medicine and surgeries to correct the problem. The wonderful thing is that most can conceive by natural means. Check this website of:

Do cows produce colostrum while pregnant?

They shouldn't. They should only get contractions when they are in the stages of giving birth. If a cow were to have contractions during pregnancy, this would mean she's in the process of aborting her calf, which is not a good thing to have happen for any cattle person, no matter what size of cow herd they're in charge of.

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What is a curandera?

A curandera is person that practices "medicine" using herbs, whicthcraft, and "prayers". Though you better be careful; same thing as consulting a witch; depends what they do. Some curanderas massage your bones if they dislocate or rub a pregnant women to position the baby, they also call them "curandera", which in English this word means "healer"

Do anybody can use any medicine?

not anybody can use medicin. You must have the right medicine to cure your helth problem. If you use medicine without having any helthproblem or use medicine just for using, then you can get a blackout, demage one of yours organs. MEDCINE IS A VERY SERIUS THING TO USE!!! BE CAREFUL!!!

You are 38 weeks pregnant you have a cold when you cough your belly hurt?

It's probably just the muscles tighten when you cough. Same thing happens when you aren't pregnant but then you don't have a baby in there taken up space. Go to the doctor and ask what cough medicine you can use.

What does a guinea pig do if is pregnant?

The same thing as if it was not pregnant!

Is there a way to make your period come back with medicine so you can get pregnant after 52?

Not that it's any of my business, but do you really want to get pregnant after 52? When the child is 10 you'll be in your 60's an be unable to play with the child as normal. And your period isn't the thing that makes you pregnant. But no, you can't. Your hormones have stopped working, hence your period stopping.

What medicine will you take if you are 2 weeks pregnant?

You can buy vitamin tablets especially for pregnancy women, but the most important thing is folic acid. If you wanted to take medicine for headaches, pains etc, just take paracetamol or try natural remedies (rest, cold compress, etc)

How do I know that i'm pregnant without testing Please give me some symptoms?

There is a few symptoms you can have when pregnant. You can have morning sickness, dizziness, using the restroom a lot and eating more. The best thing you can do is take a test.

What treatment can you use after getting braces other than medicine?

medicine is the only thing

What is the worse thing to eat?

grape medicine