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Astrand-Ryhming Test

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Q: What is the best test to estimate the VO2max of a severely obese individual?
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Is it possible for a human being to be over 1000 pounds in weight?

Yes it is. It is rare as usually people who are severely obese have severe health problems and can die from weight-related problems, but there have been several television shows which explore the lives of the severely obese.

What kinds of obesity are there?

Twenty to forty percent over ideal weight is considered mildly obese; 40-100% over ideal weight is considered moderately obese; and 100% over ideal weight is considered severely, or morbidly, obese.

How might an aerobic activity be different for an individual who is thin compared to an individual who is obese?

Its harder for an obese individual to do the same aerobic activity as a different individual whos thin because they carry around extra weight thatat slows them down.

What is the difference between overweight and obesity?

They are weight classifications based on the BMI: (for an adult) >50 = "super obese" obese class 3 40-50 = "morbidly obese" obese class 2 35-40 = "severely obese" obese class 1 30-35 = "obese" 25-30 = "overweight" 18.5-25 = "normal weight" <18.5 = "underweight"

How much would you need to weigh if you where obese and 5 ft. 1?

There are different levels of obesity used in the medical community. Obese, super obese, morbid obese. Anything past 145 for the height will put the individual in one of the categories.

When are you considered morbidly obese?

Twenty to forty percent over ideal weight is considered mildly obese; 40-100% over ideal weight is considered moderately obese; and 100% over ideal weight is considered severely, or morbidly, obese.

What is the typical weight of somebody that has had bariatris surgey?

Typically bariatric surgery is for people who are obese, or severely overweight. Although, studies have shown that moderately obese people lose much more weight with bariatric surgery than diet, exercise, or pills.

Does An obese individual has a harder time gaining muscle mass than a lean individual?

I wouldn't say so. It won't show as quick or as much on someone obese opposed to someone skinny due to the layer of fat over the skin.

How do you spell Ms. Gettinger?

There is a surname Gettinger, notably Ruby Gettinger of the reality series Ruby about a severely obese woman's struggle to lose weight and to cope with her insecurities.

How is obesity treated by doctors?

For individuals who are severely obese, dietary changes and behavior modification may be accompanied by surgery to reduce or bypass portions of the stomach or small intestine.

Why does an obese individual have a harder time gaining muscle mass than a lean individual?

It is important to maintain a healthy weight to live a better life. An obese person has a hard time gaining muscle because they need to get rid of most of their fat to use their muscles correctly.

Are there any kind of programs for someone who is severely obese and has health issues and battles with depression and self hate issues At 5'10 and 400 lbs I've lost all hope?

Yes, there are programs for people who are obese with health issues and who are depressed. One group is the Obesity Action Coalition.