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The goal of treatment for vaginismus is to eliminate painful sex. Treatment usually involves the use of vaginal dilators to relax and stretch or re-stretch the vaginal muscles. Additional treatment may involve increasing lubrication through topical creams, using hormone therapy or by increasing the blood flow with Viagra, as well as relaxation exercises and breathing techniques.

What is most important to understand is that the physical part of the condition it is very treatable with a range of treatment options; these treatments often result in a successful outcome in a relatively short period of time. Using dilators and a topical anesthetic along with professional coaching, most women find their condition resolved in two-to-three months.

For extreme cases of vaginismus, where a patient is unsuccessful after treatment with dilators and coaching, and in cases where a patient is extremely fearful of standard treatment there is a vaginismus treatment available using Botox®.

There is no quick fix for vaginismus and it can also depend on how it started eg sexual abuse, unknown.

There are dilators that can be used to expand the walls of the vagina to make it easier to have sex and there are counseling sessions to find out the cause of your vaginismus.

The best way to find out about the different tools to use is on a specialised website for the condition. It has stories from people who have suffered from it and the different methods they used to overcome it, hope this has helped

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What is Vaginismus? First, let's understand what vaginismus is. Vaginismus is an involuntary spasm of the vaginal entrance making intercourse impossible. Sarrel and Sarrel (1979) expand their definition of vaginismus to include difficult or uncomfortable penetration due to involuntary vaginal contractions. With this expanded definition, about 20% of all women seen by the Sarrel's experienced some degree of vaginismus. The Cause. The cause is usually of a psychological origin, often fear. Young girls are often told that sex is dirty and bad. They may even be scolded or punished for being curious about their own sexuality. Negative sexual experiences, pain during intercourse or a bad sexual experience may also cause vaginismus. Religious or cultural beliefs can reinforce the "ideal of the virgin" or "good girl" syndrome. There may even be a history of enjoyable intercourse, but a vaginal infection or the physical effects of childbirth may be the cause of vaginismus. Most important thing to understand is; The initial cause of vaginismus is emotional and is rooted in your mind, not your body. Your body is fine and can function perfectly but the mind is blocking such action. This mental block to the body is very common, usually caused by repressed negative emotions or maybe a single traumatic experience. Knowing this, we can look at a very effective approach in eliminating vaginismus. The Solution. The subconscious mind has accepted a negative suggestion regarding intercourse or any form of penetration. It is also possible for the mind to accept positive suggestions to reverse, eliminate or decrease the negative behavior pattern currently experienced. Fist see a gyn doctor to eliminate physical causes, then a psychologist to help with guided imagery to increase comfort and intimacy.

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No it should not make any difference to the male, however if she is nervous and it is difficult to have sex this will have an impact on you. It can affect your confidence which can ultimatley affect your ejaculation, this should quickly go away once her vaginismus has gone Hope this has helped

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Is characterized by strong involuntary contractions of the muscles in the outer third of the vagina?

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