There is no real size measurement for how big a pig's heart will get. However, they tend to be roughly the same size of a human's.
average heart size for men: 10 ounces average heart size for women: 8 ounces
As an average your heart is about the size of your fist. This is an average guess as everyone is different.
because it is differenece is size, and heart rate.
Wild pigs are 3 to 6 .
A guinea pig's brain is about the size of a large peanut. Their heart is roughly the size of a grape.
the size of their fist!
it is the size of your closed fist.
size of her fist
They are similar in size, anatomy, and function. They both have four chambers and four valves, which is why it is sometimes used for a heart transplant
Average litter size for guinea pigs is from 1 - 6.
A heart is usually about the size of your fist, so it varies from person to person a bit.