The abbreviation for doctor of chiropractic is D.C.
DC is a commonly used abbreviation for Doctor of Chiropractic CA is a commonly used abbreviation for Chiropractic Assistant Some people abbreviate chiropractic colloquially with "chiro"
DO after a doctor's name stands for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
D.C. is a Doctor of Chiropractic. The only doctors legally allowed to be called physicians are M.D.s (Doctors of Medicine) and D.O.s (Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine). D.C.s are not physicians, legally, and should not be portraying themselves as such. If you have found a Chiropractor portraying himself as a physician, please notify your state's medical and chiropractic boards.
In short... No. But, a chiropractic physician CAN help someone who has any of the more than 200 conditions that result in dwarfism if they have musculoskeletal pain.
"Doc" is a slang word for a Physician.
p.c. is an abbreviation meaning "after meals" DC can mean either "direct current, or Doctor of Chiropractic
In terms of those who hold a doctorate, it would stand for Doctor of Chiropractic.
Physician's Desk ReferencePDR stands for Physician's Desk Reference.