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Q: What is the Skeletal System of a Butterfly like?
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Does a shark have a skeletal system?

I like turtles

Does a porcupine have a skeletal system or an exoskeleton?

Skeletal or internal. Exo is exterior like a roach.

Is the chickens skeletal system like regular birds?

Yes. All chickens have the same skeletal system as regular birds.

Why is skeletal system a system?

Becuase it supports you like your other systems

What is the digestive system of a butterfly like?


What does a koala's skeletal system look like?

A koala

What organelle works like the skeletal system?

The cytoskeleton

Where is the skeletal system?

The skeletal system are your bones.

Is skeletal system?

skeletal system* bones. :)

Does the skeletal system give shape and stuff?

Yes, if the skeletal system did not give us shape, we would be a shapeless blob like jellyfish.

What are the importance of skeletal system?

The skeletal system holds the body together. Without it, we would not be able to stand upright and we would be like jelly.

What do you mean by skeletal system?

the skeletal system is a system in the body .