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In this case it is satellite cell. In the PNS system there are only two types of cells which are in the neural structures outside the CNS, Schwann Cells and Satellite cells. The Satellite cells surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia.

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Q: What is the PNS glial cell that surrounds neuron cell bodies in ganglia?
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The PNS glial cell that surrounds dorsal root ganglion neurons is called satellite glial cells. They provide structural support and regulate the microenvironment around the neuron cell bodies in the ganglia.

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The nucleus of a neuron is typically located in the cell body, also known as the soma. It is located towards the center of the neuron, where it functions to control the activities of the cell and contains the genetic material needed for cellular functioning.

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It's a glial cell which is wrapped around the axonic body of a neuron of the peripheral nervous system.

Is glial cell are responsible for nourishing and helping to repair neurons?

Yes, glial cells are responsible for nourishing neurons and providing support to help repair and maintain them. They also play a role in clearing debris and waste products from the brain. Glial cells are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

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The primary cell in the brain is the neuron. There are also many supporting cells, such as astrocytes, glial cells and the like.

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Gray matter is primarily composed of cell bodies, dendrites, and glial cells. Cell bodies are the main component, containing the nucleus and organelles of neurons. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, while glial cells provide support and nutrients to neurons.

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The cell that makes up the brain and spinal cord is mainly the neuron (nerve cell). There are also other types of cells called glial cells, and within glial cells, there are astro glia, oligodendroglia and micro glia.

Explain why the dorsal root ganglions are larger in diameter than the dorsal root?

Dorsal root ganglia contain cell bodies of sensory neurons, which are larger and more complex structures compared to the dorsal root that mainly consists of nerve fibers. The ganglia need more space to accommodate the cell bodies and additional structures like satellite cells and glial cells, leading to their larger diameter compared to the dorsal root.

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Glial cells as they are responsible for providing support to the neuron, nourishing, and making sure homeostasis is maintained, thus they do not transmit impulses.

What are the 5 CNS glia cells?

The five types of glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS) are oligodendrocytes, microglia, astrocytes, ependymal cells, and radial glial cells. These cells play essential roles in supporting and maintaining the functions of neurons in the CNS.