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Complement is a protein made in the innate immune system that embeds itself in the membrane of bacteria, leaving a hole through which the cytoplasm escapes killing the bacterial cell.

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It is part of the immune system.

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Q: What is the Complement system of the immune system?
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What is the role of complement system in immune response?

The complement system plays a crucial role in the immune response by helping to eliminate pathogens through processes like opsonization, inflammation, and cell lysis. It also helps to activate and recruit other immune cells to the site of infection, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the immune response.

What is C3 convertase?

C3 convertase is an enzyme complex involved in the complement system, which is part of the immune system. It cleaves the C3 protein into C3a and C3b, initiating the formation of the membrane attack complex to facilitate opsonization, inflammation, and cell lysis.

What plasma proteins are complement proteins?

Complement proteins are a series of immune proteins that carry out complement cascade reactions. These proteins are helping the immune system to lean up from the cells. complement proteins are not antibodies.

What is the immune disorder that occurs when the production or activity of immune cells or complement is abnormal?

The immune disorder that occurs when the production or activity of immune cells or complement is abnormal is called primary immunodeficiency. It is a group of genetic disorders that affect the immune system's ability to effectively defend the body against infections. This can lead to recurrent or severe infections and other immune-related complications.

What are compliment proteins?

Complement proteins are a group of proteins in the immune system that work together to enhance the body's ability to fight infections. They can help to attract immune cells to the site of infection, stimulate inflammation, and destroy pathogens by forming membrane attack complexes. Complement proteins play a critical role in the innate immune response.

If complement and SRBC added and hemolysis occur how you will interpretate?

If complement and SRBC are added and hemolysis occurs, it indicates that the complement system is functioning properly. The lysis of the SRBCs suggests that the complement system has been activated in response to the foreign cells, resulting in their destruction. This can be used as an assay to assess the activity of the complement system.

How does the innate immune system interact with the adaptive immune system?

The complement system is a series of about 20 proteins that are involved in a cascade effect during an immune response. Complement is generally divided up into 3 pathways: classical, lectin, alternate. The classical pathway involves a complement protein binding to an antigen-antibody complex (and thus its role in adaptive immunity). Whereas in the alternate pathway, complement (C3) binds directly to the foreign cell( usaully bacteria). Thus its repsonse is non specific and therefore is also part of the innate imune system.

What system involves plasma proteins activated when they contact a bacterial cell?

The system you are referring to is likely the complement system. This system includes a series of plasma proteins that become activated when they come into contact with a bacterial cell. Activation of the complement system leads to the destruction of the bacterial cell through various mechanisms, including inflammation, opsonization, and cell lysis.

What are complement deficiencies?

Complement deficiencies are a group of disorders in which there is a reduced level of specific proteins, complement, involved in proper immune functioning.

How does complement kill foreign microbes?

Complement is a part of the immune system that can kill foreign microbes by either directly lysing them through the formation of a membrane attack complex or by marking them for phagocytosis by immune cells. It can also enhance the inflammatory response against the microbes, aiding in their clearance from the body.

Which immune response would not occur when staphylococcus aureus enters the bloodstream?

The specific immune response that may not occur when Staphylococcus aureus enters the bloodstream is the activation of the complement system. This response involves a series of proteins that help to eliminate invading microorganisms, but certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus possess proteins that can inhibit or evade complement activation, allowing the bacterium to evade immune detection and destruction.

The group of proteins that normally circulate in the blood in an inactive form and are activated by contact with nonspecific antigens such as foreign blood cells or bacteria?

These proteins are part of the complement system, which forms a crucial part of the immune response. Once activated, the complement proteins can lead to the destruction of pathogens through processes such as opsonization, inflammation, and cell lysis.