Lots of veggies; raw carrots, raw salads, cooked beans, chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, brown rice, potatoes. Eat red meat once a week or none if you can live without it it's better for you, the reason is we want our bodies to be alkaline (red meat is acidic) cancer and disease thrives in a body that is acidic. We all do have inactive cancer cells in our bodies, they become active in an unhealthy acid body.
Fiber in diet prevents constipation and some believe...colon cancer. Too much of anything is not good
Diet and proper nutrition are vital tools in the fight against colon cancer. ... A healthy diet provides a multitude of benefits beyond preventing colon cancer ... and is a wealth of knowledge on food pharmacy, or using food as medicine. ... Omega-3 fats have protective properties against cancer and all the other chronic diseases.
Everyone is at risk of colon cancer, but people who are more at risk include those with a family history and poor diet.
High fiber diets are recognized as effective in combating cancer. For instance, fiber is essential to prevent incidence of colon cancer and polyps. Fiber will also help with weight maintenance which helps overall health. A diet high in fiber reduces the risk of digestive track diseases, and may also prevent other types of diseases (http://www.cancerproject.org/diet_cancer/facts/foods_prevention.php). Because fiber and water in the bowels help dilute carcinogens, and fiber helps stools pass more easily through the body, the risk is reduced. A high fiber diet that is low in fat is the best way to cut your risk of cancer.
Most common and troublesome disease is chronic constipation. The reason in simple. Almost total food is digested and very little remain in colon to form the feces. Second and most dreaded disease is colon cancer. This disease is common in developed countries. Lack of dietary fibres is 'the' cause for colon cancer. You eat all the processed food and little fibres in diet. There is stagnation of feces in colon, which leads to release of toxic chemicals in colon, which probably leads to colon cancer. Lot of fruits and vegetables, give you lot of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres. They must be included in diet, to prevent the colon cancer. The intake of fruits and vegetables reduce the obesity also. Obesity leads to inferiority complex, cardiovascular diseases and so many other problems and diseases.
A diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats.
People that has uterine cancer should take low fat diet. A diet high in animal fat, particularly red meat. They also need to eat fish and flaxseed and of course vegetables and fruits would be great.
Yeah Protein and nutrition diet helps you prevent form Colon cancer and its fight against to colon cancer it's an important nutritional guidelines. Consume more protein and nutrient foods. And avoid fatty food its takes longer time to digestive. By taking Healthy Diets helps you to prevent Colon Cancer. Eat plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables Eat fresh fish 1-3 times per week Limit consumption of red meat Avoid excess salt and saturated fats Maintain a healthy weight and keep Physically active Limit alcohol consumption. Hope it will help for you Good Luck
The best way to have a body and colon cleanse is to go on a toxin body cleanse diet. A good and popular one would be the liver cleanse diet.
Bowel irregularity, possible colon cancer, high blood cholesterol.
It is believed that a high fibre diet reduces the risk of colon cancer.