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Asphalt shingle roofs come in many grades measured in life expectancy, like 10-year, 20-year, 30-year, and 45-year.

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Q: What is the Average life span of asphalt shingle roof?
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What is the average life span of an asphalt shingle roof?

Composition roof lifeAsphalt shingles are rated at 20, 25, 30, or 35 years. The average roof life is 5 to 10 years less, depending on climate conditions in your area. The life of any asphalt shingle roof is effected if Algae and Mildew is allowed to grow on it. The plant wraps it''s roots around the granules on your asphalt shingle roof, and as it grows, it can actually force the granules to come loose. Proper non pressure roof cleaning will extend the life of any shingle roof with black streaks or mildew growing on it "

What is the average lifespan of a typical asphalt shingle roof?

5 years

What is the average price of a asphalt shingle roof?

Go to home depot and you will get the awnser

Which climatic condition is decreasing the life span of asphalt shingle roof?


How can I ensure a successful asphalt shingle installation on my roof?

To ensure a successful asphalt shingle installation on your roof, it is important to hire a professional roofing contractor with experience in shingle installation. Make sure the contractor follows manufacturer guidelines, uses high-quality materials, and pays attention to proper installation techniques such as proper nail placement and sealing. Regular maintenance and inspections can also help prolong the life of your asphalt shingle roof.

How can I ensure a successful asphalt shingle roofing installation on my property?

To ensure a successful asphalt shingle roofing installation on your property, hire a reputable roofing contractor with experience in installing asphalt shingles. Make sure they follow manufacturer guidelines, use high-quality materials, and properly prepare the roof surface before installation. Regular inspections and maintenance can also help prolong the life of your asphalt shingle roof.

Are there special asphalt shingles for the ridge of a roof?

No, cut a whole shingle in thirds at the cut outs.

What tools are needed to shingle a roof?

To shingle a roof, you need the shingles which can be made of a variety of materials, the most common being asphalt. You then need a hammer and roofing nails, which are specially made for roofing.

What are the key steps involved in asphalt shingle roof installation?

The key steps in asphalt shingle roof installation include preparing the roof surface, applying underlayment, installing starter shingles, laying the shingles in rows, cutting shingles as needed, securing shingles with nails, and finishing with ridge caps.

What is a price of one bundle asphalt roof shingles?

Depends on the shingle. Is it a 25 year or fifty year. Asphalt or fiberglass?

What is the best way to shingle a peak with asphalt shingles?

The best way to shingle a peak with asphalt shingles is to stabilize boards along the peak for safety. Continue to shingle the asphalt shingles to the peak working from the bottom edges of the roof peak. Nail two nails on the lower portion on both sides to hold in place. Continue until finished.

How often should a roof be replaced?

Depends on the type of roof, climate and condition of the roof. Typical asphalt shingles have an average life of about 20-25 years.