its a bacteria that comes from off your pets when they go outside it effects all tissues in your body.
its a bacteria that comes from off your pets when they go outside it effects all tissues in your body.
Bacteria do not infect other bacteria, but they can attack them.
its a bacteria cause i am studing bacteria in universty
bacteria is everywhere. There is good bacteria and bad bacteria but it is everywhere.
It's a bacteria
Neither. It is a disease caused by a bacteria. The bacteria is called Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
Yes. Most bacteria is not harmful to us such as bacteria in a yogurt, but some bacteria is harmful.
Gloeocapsa bacteria belong to the kingdom Bacteria.
No, bacteria can not endocytosise another bacteria. bacteria contains cell wall, DNA called nucleoid and cytoplasm. Bacteria can make its own proteins by its ribosomes..No, they do not. They are not large enough for more bacteria inside.
Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria
Sulphur bacteria and iron bacteria.
They are not. Bacteria and Protista are in different domains.