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Stomach is an organ in your body that digests much of your food. It has the pH of 2 and sends the digested food into the intestines.

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Q: What is stomach and how to work?
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Witch acid is used to digest food in the stomach?

Pepsin, which digests protein in the stomach, requires an acidic environment in order to work properly. Hydrochloric acid is stored in the stomach so that pepsin has a good environment to work in.

Why carbohydrate wil not work in stomach?

besause it has strach in it

In what part of the digestive system do antiacid work?

in the stomach

If you didn't have a stomach will your digestive system still work?


How does the mucus layer work in the stomach?

because it does hahah.

How does tablet work?

There is two types of acidity in the world Bases and Acids when you stomach has heartburn or hurts that is because the stomach is too Acid and when you apply a base to a acid the neutralize out and cancel each other. This is how stomach tablets work they basically neutralize the acid in your stomach to stop the pain. Hope This Helped :]

How do anticholingergics work?

The anticholingergics decrease both the movements of the stomach and intestine, and also the secretions of stomach acid and digestive enzymes.