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virus, epidemic, cold, the flu

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Q: What is something you can catch but can't throw?
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Related questions

What can you catch but cant throw away?

A flu/cold.

What is the difference between tossing and catch?

Tossing is when you throw something and catch is when u catch the toss

Who is the worst baseball player in the world?

Zach is the worst at baseball because he cant catch cant throw cant run cant see and cant make the team

What is something that runs but you cant catch it?

A River

Where can you catch the black death today?

you cant really cant something as harmful and leeful as the black death today.

How do you fish in Canada?

Fishermen use nets. When just fishing for fun, we throw the line in the water, and reel it in. then throw it in again, and so on, until we catch something.

How do you say I like to throw and catch a football?

I say it this way: "I like to throw and catch a football."

If the poop emoji can fly why cant a toilet fly?

Something has to remain stationary to catch the flying poop.

What is the antonym to catch?

An antonym of catch is pitch or throw.

Can you throw exception from catch block?

100% yes but it is not a suggested practice. The purpose of a catch block in java code is to handle exceptions. If you want to throw exceptions, then there is no point in writing the try-catch block. We could throw the exception at the point where it occurs instead of writing the try - catch block to catch it and throw it again.

How do you dispose of the rubbish that cant be recycled?

u try to make it into something new or just throw it away

How do you catch a Darkrai egg?

you cant you cant you cant