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Q: What is small osteophytes?
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What are small anterior osteophytes in spine i have them at the levels of T7-8 T9-10 T11-12?

Small bony growths on the front of the spine.

What does moderate anterior osteophytes in cervical spine mean?

Small points of bone sticking out from the vertebra toward the front. Osteophytes are an X ray finding association with arthritis in the spine as we age or have had an old trauma.

What are neurocentral osteophytes?

bone spurs

Is arthritis the same as marginal osteophytes?

marginal osteophytes are a result and a part of arthritis. they are the build up of bone around the area in joints where the bone has started to touch bone in joints.

What is the medical term for a bone spur?

Osteophytis (plural Osteophytes)

What is evidence posterior osteophytes?

There are bone spurs on the back of the bone being studied.

What are neck spures called?

The technical term for neck spurs is cervical osteophytes.

What is marginal osteophytes at L4 and L5 with reduced disc space?

MR imagemorphology is in favour of early marginal osteophytes at few levels. mildbroad disc bulge at l4-l5 causing minimal thecal sac indentation

What are ventral osteophytes?

As disk degeneration occurs in the spinal vertebrae, mechanical stresses result in osteophytic bars (osteophytes) which form along the ventral aspect of the spinal canal. These are sometimes called parrot beaks because of their shape.

What part of the human body is affected by osteophytes?

The skeleton; particularly joint edge surfaces.

What is a disc protrusion with osteophytes?

What is disc protrusion of the C6-C7 and how serious is it and will it need surgery? Thank you

What is an osteophytic bar?

Osteophytes are often called bone spurs. These bony protrusions form in and around joints, often causing pain and limiting range of motion. Many osteophytes are identified by their shape such as osteophytic ridging, spurring, or lipping. However, each osteophyte has a unique shape based on the cause and location.