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The mitochondria looks like the size of a Lima bean inside its cell. So imagine the cell as the size of your hand, then picture a Lima bean in your hand. That is approximately the size of the mitochondria inside the cell (your hand).

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Q: What is size of mitrochondria?
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Why are mitrochondria called the powerhouses of cells?

Mitochondria are called the powerhouse of cells because they are responsible for generating the majority of a cell's energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the process of cellular respiration. This ATP is used as a source of energy for various cellular functions and activities.

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Out, because it "makes" water (by burning hydrogen).

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The two DNA-containing organelles that support Margulis' theory of endosymbiosis are mitochondria and chloroplasts. These organelles contain their own DNA, which is separate from the nuclear DNA of the cell, and share some similarities with bacteria, indicating that they were once free-living prokaryotic organisms that were engulfed by a host cell and formed a symbiotic relationship.

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What cells are abundant in mitrochondria?

Cells that require a lot of energy for daily activities, such as muscle cells.

Does a heterotroph have mitochondria?

Yes it does. A heterotroph has a mitrochondria because it is needed to break down glucose to get ATP

What process takes place within mitrochondria?

Mitochondria produces energy by breaking down ATP into ADP.

Is mitochondria found in virsuses?

No, viruses do not have mitochondria. Viruses are simpler organisms that lack many cellular structures found in more complex organisms like mitochondria. They rely on host cells for energy production.