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Q: What is severe hepatic impairment?
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What is hepatic impairment?

Impairment of the liver

What are the three levels of cognitive impairment?

mild, moderate, severe

What are the stages of Alzheimer's?

There are seven stages to Alzheimers. They are No Impairment, Little Decline, Mild Decline, Moderate Decline, Moderately Severe Decline, Severe Decline and Very Severe Decline.

When does normal depression become a mood disorder?

the degree of impairment is judged severe enough to warrant a diagnosis.

How long before death in untreated hepatic encephalopathy?

It depends on how severe it is, so it's impossible to give a general answer to the question.

What is diffuse hepatic steatosis?

Also called "fatty liver," diffuse hepatic steatosis is a condition where fat is stored in the liver due to an accumulation of lipids like triglycerides. The main cause is diminished metabolism of fatty acids caused by the impairment of certain enzymes and receptors, insulin resistance, or the overconsumption of alcohol.

Is 1500 mg of robaxin too much?

Assuming you are an adult (not elderly, not a child) human, you don't have renal or hepatic impairment, you aren't taking another CNS depressant...yes. Oops...and not pregnant.

What impact does cigarette smoking have on the severity of byssinosis?

Workers who also smoke cigarettes suffer the most severe impairment.

In combination with alcohol barbiturates do not have the potential for severe impairment?

It is never safe to take central nervous system depressants like alcohol and barbiturates in combination. The complications can be severe, and even fatal.

How do infants with fragile X syndrome appear?

appear normal at birth but their development is delayed. Most boys with fragile X syndrome have mental impairment. The severity of mental impairment ranges from learning disabilities to severe mental retardation

What veins drain the liver?


Why might elderly people need lower doses of medicines tnan normal?

Elderly people have agreater risk of a build up medicines in their body tissues because the liver is less efficient at breaking medicines down and the kidneys are less efficient at excreting them.