The maxillary sinuses are one of 4 sets of air filled sinuses in the face. The right maxillary sinus sits to the right of your nose. Sinuses are lined with mucosal tissue and a polyp is mucosa that has overgrown into a ball like shape.
No, a neurologist typically does not treat polyps in the sinus. You would usually see an otolaryngologist (ENT) for evaluation and management of sinus polyps.
it is an advanced procedure for paranasal sinus surgeries . advantages : noninvasive rapid recovery less complications indications : antrochoanal polyp choronic sinusitis
maxillay central injection
Coronary sinus, in turn empties into the right atrium Coronary sinus, in turn empties into the right atrium Coronary sinus, in turn empties into the right atrium Coronary sinus, in turn empties into the right atrium
impact of bilateral obstruction of costophrenic sinus
It is a polyp. Good question!
The coronary sinus is the main vessel that drains oxygen-depleted blood from the myocardium into the right atrium. It collects blood from the cardiac veins that run throughout the heart muscle and then empties into the right atrium of the heart.
The coronary sinus empties into the right atrium of the heart. It serves as a drainage system for deoxygenated blood from the myocardium.
Also spelled sinuatrial valve. It is the valve at the opening of the embryonic sinus venosus into the primordial right atrium. The sinus venosus later develops into part of the right atrium wall, the SA node and the coronary sinus.
right atrium
Polyp is invertebrate .