What would be a RA Latex Turbid level that would be okay? My blood work results were the following:RA Latex Turbid 14.6 IU/mLC-Reactive Protein, Cardiac level of 6.43Uric Acid, Serum level is 5.5 mg/dL,Sedimentation Rate-Westergren level is 5 mm/hrShould I be concerned about having Rheumatoid Arthritis with these results?
turbid means flow of water or any liquid
The rheumatoid factor test is just one part of a rheumatoid panel, and by itself is non-specific (that is, it doesn't indicate a diagnosis). A low-level result like this cannot alone lead to a diagnosis, but must be considered in the context of your complete health history and physical, as well as other laboratory tests. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.
Turbid is another word for cloudy, milky is kind of vague, but it depends how you look at it.
Turbid means muddy or unclear. - If experiencing this on well water, it can basically mean anything that's in the ground. You need a filter, -but first get your water analysed to make sure it's OK to drink, and what is making it turbid.
"Muddy" or "cloudy".
First understand the Dictionary definition of Turbid. Then change it to Turbidity: "I cannot see the bottom of the Stream because of the Turbidity of the water." {Short Answer}.
black turbid