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Peritoneal mesothelioma is a form of the cancer that affects the lining of the abdomen. It's fairly rare, even by mesothelioma standards. Unfortunately, a lot of the symptoms of mesothelioma are similar to other less serious conditions. This leads to a lot people not being properly diagnosed, allowing the cancer to get worse.

If you want more info on peritoneal mesothelioma, check out Click around the site a little, and you might be surprised how much there is to learn about this cancer. The related link at the bottom has more specific information that you can use as well.

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Q: What is peritoneal mesothelioma?
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What is Chrysotile Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

Chrysotile Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a disease, caused by the exposure to asbestos. This disease was created by humans and is not natural. The only cure is to avoid asbestos.

What are the types of Mesothelioma?

Pleural Mesothelioma affects the lungs, Peritoneal Mesothelioma affects the stomach and Pericardial Mesothelioma affects the heart. Pleural Mesothelioma was the cause of death of my father, he was exposed to asbestos while working in a ship yard, mixing and applying asbestos to pipes for Plumbing. It takes years for the tiny fibers from asbestos to eventually cause cancer.

What are the symptoms of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma?

The most common symptoms of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma are: Weight loss and abdominal pain. Other symptoms are having a fever, blood clotting, bowel obstruction and swelling because of the increase in buildup of the fluid in the abdomen.

What are the different types of mesothelioma?

There are three forms of mesothelioma that is caused by too much exposure to asbestos: pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma, and pericardial mesothelioma. these three types vary in terms of symptoms though some symptoms may exist in all three kinds of the illness. For more information on asbestos, visit

What are the types of malignant mesothelioma?

Pleural Mesothelioma affects the lungs, Peritoneal Mesothelioma affects the stomach and Pericardial Mesothelioma affects the heart. Pleural Mesothelioma was the cause of death of my father, he was exposed to asbestos while working in a ship yard, mixing and applying asbestos to pipes for plumbing. It takes years for the tiny fibers from asbestos to eventually cause cancer.

My dad had colon cancer.but passed away from peritoneal mesothelioma. Were they related?

Some studies have shown an increase in colorectal cancer as a result of exposure to asbestos. In addition, someone with peritoneal mesothelioma could see the cancer metastasize into other organs including the colon. The links at the bottom should provide you more information.

What is the most common peritoneal mesothelioma treatment?

The most common peritoneal mesothelioma treatment is surgery. While undergoing surgery the surgeons will try to completely remove the tumour as this produces the best medical odds for life expectancy going forward. Other treatments, albeit slightly less common, include radiation, chemotherapy and multimodal therapy.

How many types of Lung Cancer are there?

There are over 200 types (see however only 13 account for over 95% of all cases. The most common cancer is skin cancer (from sun exposure) and the most deadly avoidable disease is lung cancer (smoking).

Where can you find mesothelioma resources?

Mesothelioma is a rare and serious type of cancer. Several organizations offer help, information, and support for people with mesothelioma and their families. Places to visit include the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance and the Mesothelioma Center.

What is the commoname for mesothelioma?

Common name for mesothelioma is asbestos cancer. This is because asbestos exposure is the leading cause of the rare cancer known as mesothelioma. Due to its uncommon nature, mesothelioma is typically difficult to diagnose and treat. Therefore, spreading awareness about mesothelioma cancer is very important. There are several sites giving information on mesothelioma but Wikipedia's entry for mesothelioma at is fairly comprehensive and easy to read.

Is Pleural Mesothelioma treatable?

Pleural Mesothelioma is treatable, but not considered to be curable.

Can you get lung cancer from asbestos with out getting mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma IS lung cancer.