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A passive narcissist is neither here or there. Their abuse is subtle designed to keep you constantly confused about what's going on. They have no intentions to control you in person but indirectly through others or text, email. They do not recognize that they have hurt your feelings about previous relationship nor do they care to provide closure. Because they just do not care. My ex N refuses to return items that belong to me that were left when we were "dating." He either employs strings when I ask how I can get them back or my favorite Silent Treatment. At this point, I am just going to accept that my things will not be returned. Why take the courtesy to do such??? He's a Narcissist he won't.

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Q: What is passive narcissism?
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The accented syllable in "narcissism" is the first syllable, which is "nar."

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I would imagine a great deal. Narcissism is an epidemic and it is global.

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Narcissism is not a sex-differentiated term. A male can be a narcissist, a female can be a narcissist.

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When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.

Is narcissism an abstract noun?

No, it's a noun. The related adjective is narcissistic.

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